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const parseFeesEstimate = require('../parsers/feesEstimate');
const { forceArray } = require('../util/transformers');

 * @typedef EstimateRequest - an Estimate Request object
 * @param {string} marketplaceId - MWS MarketplaceId to request item within
 * @param {string} idType - type of identifier for item (ASIN, GCID, SellerSKU, UPC, EAN, ISBN, JAN)
 * @param {string} idValue - identifier to use (see idType)
 * @param {boolean} isAmazonFulfilled - true for FBA fees, false for Merchant Fulfilled fees
 * @param {Money} listingPrice - currencyCode and amount for listing price
 * @param {Money} shipping - currencyCode and amount for shipping price
 * @param {object} points - pointsNumber: amazon points for purchase (Japan only?)
 * @param {string} [identifier] - identifier to attach to request. If not given, will be `FBA.${idValue}` for FBA requests or `MF.${idValue}` for MF requests

 * @typedef FeeDetail - a detailed Fee object
 * @param {string} feeType - The type of fee (ReferralFee, PerItemFee, VariableClosingFee, etc)
 * @param {Money} feeAmount - Base fee, currencyCode and amount
 * @param {Money} feePromotion - Discounts applied to fee, currencyCode and amount
 * @param {Money} finalFee - feeAmount minus feePromotion, currencyCode and amount

 * @typedef FeeIdentifier
 * @param {string} marketplaceId - MWS MarketplaceId requested
 * @param {string} idType - type of identifier requested
 * @param {string} sellerId - the seller identifier that requested the estimate
 * @param {boolean} isAmazonFulfilled - true for FBA, false for Merchant Fulfilled
 * @param {string} sellerInputIdentifier - identifier from EstimateRequest
 * @param {string} idValue - the product idValue from EstimateRequest
 * @param {object} priceToEstimateFees - Money values entered in as listingPrice and shipping to EstimateRequest
 * @param {Money} priceToEstimateFees.listingPrice - listingPrice from EstimateRequest
 * @param {Money} priceToEstimateFees.shipping - shipping from EstimateRequest

 * @typedef Estimate
 * @param {Money} totalFees - currencyCode and amount for total fees
 * @param {string} time - ISO8601 time stamp format time the fee response was created
 * @param {FeeDetail[]} detail - array of details about each of the fees that make up totalFees
 * @param {FeeIdentifier} identifier - information about the EstimateRequest
 * @param {string} status - "Success" for success or "ServerError" for request failure
 * @param {Error} [error] - If an Error occurred (success === "Failure"), a description of the Error

const estimateRequestParser = estimates => (
    forceArray(estimates).reduce((acc, e, index) => {
        const key = `FeesEstimateRequestList.FeesEstimateRequest.${index + 1}`;
        acc[`${key}.MarketplaceId`] = e.marketplaceId; // TODO: should there be a default marketplaceId ?!
        acc[`${key}.IdType`] = e.idType;
        acc[`${key}.IdValue`] = e.idValue;
        acc[`${key}.IsAmazonFulfilled`] = !!e.isAmazonFulfilled;
        acc[`${key}.Identifier`] = e.identifier || `${(e.isAmazonFulfilled ? 'FBA' : 'MF')}.${e.idValue}`;
        acc[`${key}.PriceToEstimateFees.ListingPrice.CurrencyCode`] = e.listingPrice.currencyCode;
        acc[`${key}.PriceToEstimateFees.ListingPrice.Amount`] = e.listingPrice.amount;
        acc[`${key}.PriceToEstimateFees.Shipping.CurrencyCode`] = e.shipping.currencyCode;
        acc[`${key}.PriceToEstimateFees.Shipping.Amount`] = e.shipping.amount;
        acc[`${key}.Points.PointsNumber`] = e.points ? e.points.pointsNumber : 0;
        return acc;
    }, {})

const getMyFeesEstimate = api => api.parseEndpoint(

module.exports = getMyFeesEstimate;