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 * call GetProductCategoriesForASIN for a single asin.
 * @private
 * @param {object} parameters
 * @param {string} parameters.marketplaceId - marketplace identifier to run query on
 * @param {string} parameters.asin - asin to query for
 * @returns Promise that will resolve to { asin: 'ORIGINAL_ASIN', ...productCategories }
const getProductCategoriesForAsin = api => ({ marketplaceId, asin }) => api.callEndpoint(
        MarketplaceId: marketplaceId,
        ASIN: asin,
).then(res => ({ asin, ...res })).catch(error => Promise.resolve({ asin, error }));

 * same as getProductCategoriesForAsin but by Sku
 * @private
 * @param {object} parameters
 * @param {string} parameters.marketplaceId - marketplace identifier to run query on
 * @param {string} parameters.sellerSku - sku to query for
 * @returns Promise that will resolve to { sku: 'ORIGINAL_SKU', ...productCategories }
const getProductCategoriesForSku = api => ({ marketplaceId, sellerSku }) => api.callEndpoint(
        MarketplaceId: marketplaceId,
        SellerSKU: sellerSku,
).then(res => ({ sku: sellerSku, ...res }))
    .catch(error => Promise.resolve({ sku: sellerSku, error }));

 * @typedef productCategory
 * Product Category Information
 * @param {string} ProductCategoryId - The string or numeric-string category identifier for the category
 * @param {string} ProductCategoryName - The string human readable description of the category
 * @param {productCategory} [Parent] - Parent product category. This will not be present if this category is the root.

 * @typedef productCategoryByAsin
 * Product Category Information, Retrieved by ASIN
 * @param {string} asin - ASIN that this category information belongs to
 * @param {object} [error] - This field is set when a server error is returned, see error.code and error.body for further info. Server Errors may be returned for invalid ASINs or other reasons.
 * @param {productCategory} [Self] - The product category this ASIN belongs to - if not present, may be an invalid ASIN

 * @typedef productCategoryBySku
 * Product Category Information, Retrieved by SKU
 * @param {string} sku - SKU that this category information belongs to
 * @param {object} [error] - This field is set when a server error is returned, see error.code and error.body for further info. Server Errors may be returned for invalid SKUs or other reasons.
 * @param {productCategory} [Self] - The product category that this SKU belongs to - if not present, may be an invalid ASIN

// TODO: we should strip out duplicates! use the Set trick
const getProductCategoriesForAsins = api => ({ marketplaceId, asins }) => {
    const results = asins.map(asin => getProductCategoriesForAsin(api)({ marketplaceId, asin }));
    return Promise.all(results);

const getProductCategoriesForSkus = api => ({ marketplaceId, skus }) => {
    const results = skus.map(sku => getProductCategoriesForSku(api)({ marketplaceId, sku }));
    return Promise.all(results);

module.exports = {